Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Absolute Me (in credit terms)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What are my skills?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fuck the French
Monday, October 18, 2010
Loan Shark Diary # 2 - Caught on CCTV
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Loan Shark Diary # 1
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Money Lender
This morning when i went to take my car, i saw this slim white colour note on my windscreen from afar. Really thought it's a parking fine but its not.. it was a namecard size flyer??
Observation and Analysis:
1. I've done a search on Bizfile, its not a registered entity.
2. What kinda company answer phone calls from 2.30pm - 8pm? I'm thinking this guy must be in the night business. Only free to pick up calls when he wakes up at 1pm and before he goes to work at 9pm.
3. All types of loans = Daily, Weekly and Monthly payment*. Shouldn't it be like Mortgage loan, Investment loan, business loan etc? Btw, is daily and weekly repayment suppose to be a plus point?
4. Easi approval in less than 30mins. How easy is easi? 30mins for him to contact RunnerA, RunnerA to sms RunnerB, RunnerB to BBM RunnerC, etc all the way to the Ah Long right?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Regulations to Control Property Prices
National Day Rally:
a) Allow households earning between $8,000 and $10,000, to buy new DBSS flats with a $30,000 CPF Housing Grant;
(b) Increase the supply of new flats, Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flats, and Executive Condominiums (EC);
(c) Shorten the completion time of Build-To-Order (BTO) flats;
(d) Increase the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) for non-subsidised flats to 5 years; and
(e) Disallow concurrent ownership of both HDB flats and private residential properties within the MOP.
Taken from HDB
On top of that, 2nd property can only loan up to 70% of the valuation.
What happens from here then?
Home owners will stay put unless they have the intention to upgrade. Investors may be looking to dump private properties now as prices are still high. Market prices should simmer or dip but nonetheless will trend to hold position as rental will go on strong. Following Q4, private property will be meeting low transaction period, new developments/launches will restrict supply if prices fall drastically with the onset of high HDB supply.
What should you do??
Private Property: Sell high, rent and then buy low later.
HDB: Should take the opportunity to grab DBSS now. If not, then just wait for private property prices to dip... if it happens!
HBD Hotlines:
Sales/Resale Customer Service Line : 1800 8663 066
Branch Office Service Line : 1800 2255 432
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Taipei Hilton #2
Her husband was stunned cause she didn't even lose her balance before the fall, it was just too sudden and too fast. He held her up and asked her what happened. She said that she didn't trip,
something smacked into her...
It has been rumoured that the spirits in the hotel are very xiong. The 3 paintings in the lobby are said to have tailmans hidden behind them. And they are placed there to supress the Sha Qi!

Do you anything placed in an unusual spot or placed in a different way? You think its art? I think think its for the 'residents'...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Taipei Hilton Hotel #1

Update on New Majestic Hotel Post
Monday, August 16, 2010
Freaky Friday the 13th!!
She left her underwear in the shower after she bathed at around 3.30am last night. In between, she and her fren went to the loo agar 3 times and there weren't anything unusual. This morning, after washing up, she put on the DO NOT DISTURB sign and went down to the restaurant for her complimentary breakfast. And when she came back, she found her underwear

I felt the super cold chill down my spine the very instant and all my hair (i have a lot) stood on ends! But because she still have another 3 nights stay, I told her, "AIYA! It's the draft lah! U know, in an enclosed area when u open or close the door, there's the wind!" She gave me this deadly stare and brought me up to look at her room. At that point, I already cannot make it, i wanted to siam, change topic and leave liao but she started walking back to the hotel. My hair was standing all the way. At the lobby the lift door open only my heart skipped a beat. Where got people design to put green lighting inside the lift one??!!! so fucking eerie!
Her room is a 2 storey Loft. Although the bathroom is small, the shower and the toilet bowl is a distance away, seperated by a glass divider. So if it's really a draft, the wind direction will need to have enough speed to lift the underwear in one direction and then boomerang it in another trajectory to enter the toilet bowl... The moment we're out of the room, i start to think of the Taiwan Hilton Hotel stories. And i started questioning in my head, if any of the decor are unusual that could have hidden tailsmans or urns inside them to counter this kinda thing. Hmm...
A Piece of Advice: If you cannot solve the underwear mystery, you better start praying.
*24/8/10: Updated picture to this post cause Rong says will attract hits.
Friday, August 13, 2010
7th Month Encounter When Praying
5hours later, I siamed a road block at Outram Rd which i would have definitely failed the breathelizer. And today i got totally drenched at Jurrasic Park and my iPhone 4 survived!
If you wanna siam road block or save ur iPhone, you better pray now!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Crime Doesn't Bother Me - #3 People Asking for Money
There are basically 2 types of people who will ask you for money and the anxiety level varies with the type of people that you meet. The first type is the homeless. They are pretty harmless, have their own comfortable sites to display their 'artwork' or just to rest/hang around. They go by pulling your heart strings to your money and don't approach you unless they are desperate. They are probably the best at handling rejections though sometimes, there are those grouchy or crazy ones who will act out on you. But don't have to worry, they usually don't run after people who insult/assault them cause they have too many things to carry on the move.
They usually tell (they don't ask) you to give them money and when you don't, you'll hurt their feelings. They are not good at handling rejections at all possibly due to working under an even more jialat boss/have not slept for 2weeks/suffering from withdrawals/had to give 15 blowjobs at the back alley during lunch time/feeling worried about a rash/syphillis acting up/etc.
So just treat them with a bit more respect than you normally would to your boss and show them your sincerity. Look at them in the eye, say ok and make an effort to dig your pockets for a good 5-10secs before you give them a dollar or two. They will leave you alone and sometimes even say thanks (really hard to anticipate how they'll react).
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Crime Doesn't Bother Me - #2 Racist Remarks
These remarks usually makes me very irritated/angry and sometimes confuse but definitely not scared. Sometimes you hear something angry but u can't make out what it is. Or, you're not sure if it was aimed at you or somebody else. These cowardly buggers usually hurl insults on the move - in a car, on a tram, in a train, as they are walking away, etc.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Crime Doesn't Bother Me - #1 Stalking
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Utter Disappointment - Nandos
My 3rd trip was yesterday. Dee got there early and got seated immediatly so I quickly parked my car and went up. There weren't any servers when I was at the door so I just stepped in to look for Dee. Suddenly, this really tall ah char raced behind me and called out, "HEY EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME MISS! CAN I HELP YOU?" As if i was trying to cut the queue, steal something or plant a bomb lah! My goodness, I was merely standing there looking around for Dee, which i think is quite obvious ley.. Don't need to raise his voice and make everybody turn their head and give me the dirty look right? Nabey..
Anyway, I finally sat down and we've decided to share the 1/2 Chicken that comes with 2 sides. We chose Peri Chips and Peri Corn for the sides and we requested the waiter to give us an extra plate cause we're sharing. While waiting, I started telling Dee that this Nandos is very different from those in Melbourne and London. Usually the decor is red and green that's more Mexicano, hispanic. But this one has alot of brown and gold, a bit Indo. And there isn't any counter to place your own orders or menu boards to look at. The table tag is a black metal rooster instead of the colourful wooden rooster number tag. The uniform were a bit dull compared to those in Melbourne that had one-liners like, "We don't serve drunk chicks."
When our food came, this was how it looked:

How bout this?
Even hawker centre chicken chop ah ceks also know what is appropriate portioning.

Friday, July 23, 2010
SCB Sucks too!
"HUH? Is it not clear enough?"
"Err.. The sentences might be read in other ways and cause misunderstanding."
"Group A only need 1 signature, Group B need 2 signatures. U all work in banks should know what i meant right?"
"Yah. I understand very clearly but cause it's written down so it's better to phrase it more straight forward."
"Hmm.. I don't know how to paraphrase it to make it any clearer. Why don't you tell me what to write."
"Errr... Just say something like, "For any amount, Group A dash 1 to sign and Group B dash 2 to sign.""
"Do you need Skors-stage?"
"OH! No need! Thanks!" and i walked out am-chioing in my head, cursing why nobody's with me to hear this!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
How to Remove iPhone Cover
Monday, June 21, 2010
Study Methods for CEHA Paper 2 & 3

Step 4 - Go on a road trip to Stonehenge.
Step 5, 6, 7 and 8 - Go to Gala and play a few rounds of blackjack. Drink lots of beer. Go to Saatchi Gallery and get inspired. Fly back to Singapore and skim through the CEHA notes the night before the exam.
Exam Tips:
During Paper 1, I drafted and planned what I had wanted to write. Processed my thoughts in argueing each case with reference to the relevant laws that I had remembered by heart. Wrote with much clarity and finished what I had wanted to express ahead of time. I can't emphasize enough, I failed this paper so please do not adopt this method of studying and exam habits!!
What you really need to know about how to prepare for Paper 2 & Paper 3 is to panic and regret not being disciplined enough to study during the London trip. Give up on simple calculation questions even though you have memorised the Development Charge formular, yet feeling confused and not quite confident to apply. Pick open-ended questions where you do not require to give a definite or quantified answer. And then bullshit and smoke through with all the mini bits and fragments of memory you had of yourself sitting back in the CEHA class playing with ur phone. This is how I got through Paper 2 and 3!!
Anybody with tips to tackle Paper 1 please contact me asap! I'm retaking it in July..!! Need help!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
DBS is Shit
Monday, June 7, 2010
Fujifilm Mounted!
Anyway! The manager called and told me that they have taken apart the camera, took them alot of effort to blow out all the sand particles from the littlest crevices and fixed it. They will not charge me any money for it, except for the $10.70 that i have already paid. And on top of that, they have contacted their Japan office to try and find out how much it would cost for an exact new set to be shipped in for me.
I was catch unprepared, so i said, "Oh, ok. That's great. So when can I go collect the camera? Tomorrow?" in a really calm and straight voice even though i was in fact jumping up and down, feeling victorious! It was like that one time in JC when i scored 12/20 for the econs essay where the rest of my class had failed theirs. Super duper happy but i have to keep it inside to remain diplomatic.. The moment i put down the phone, i was sending VICTORY emails to everybody.
I was back to the service centre once again to collect the repaired camera, nothing changed. The reception was slow and the same malay girl serving me took like 15mins to find my camera in all the drawers to then realise that it's with the manager. The manager came out to meet me personally and apologised to me about the technician. We did a test shot and the quality remained great but can see the side of the lens were badly scratched when its extended.
Jessica was very upset about it for quite a while. I was upset that i broke her camera and got it badly scratched too. At the same time, I'm head over heels about winning this battle! Wheeee!
Kenny, if you're reading this, you must feel proud that the camera went to battle and came back with victory k!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Pinkdot 2010 - Triumphant Declaration
The average attendees:

Pink War Winner:
Anyway, unprepared to fight the pink war with Dee, I returned my focus to fight the fake war and won the "ability to spot myself faster than Dee with my ultra topology and geomatric skills" award.

Unfortunately, Marilyn, Melvin and Yi were cut off from the pic.
TD for Pinkdot 2010: Better luck next year!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Lorry Car Chase
I missed my opportunity when he was waiting to turn right into Tiong Bahru Plaza. With my sharp decision-making skills, i did the turn out of the usual route that i take to work to follow him to chase the shot. My senses told me that i have to go for it! There's nothing that can stop me from taking this pic! I cannot let my viewers down!
There it is...

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mounting Fuji
I’ve just grown to love the FUJI Instax Mini 25 after holding it for half a day. Me and my bunch of friends were having a lot of fun with it and were very happy with the instant quality photos that we got during my friend’s hen’s party. Unfortunately, the camera dropped on the beach, the sand invaded our camera and ended our fun.
My bunch of friends and I were contemplating whether to fix it or to buy a new camera. But knowing that it’s a Japan version which we won’t be able to find in Singapore, we decided that FUJI should be able to do the magic and shall just get a quotation first. There I was at your office on the 4th May, greatly appalled by the $10.70 Diagnostic Fee just to get a quotation for the repair.
It’s 13th May today and I haven’t gotten any quotations from any of your technicians or customer service officers. When I called, one of your employee just told me that it’s more economical to buy a new one than to repair the camera as they will have to change EVERYTHING inside the camera. And the cost of shipping all the parts required will not be economically wise. I reminded him that I won’t be able to get this model in Singapore. And I need a figure of how much it would cost for him to repair it but he is just not answering me and repeated the economically wise speech. I paid $10.70 to get a quotation so I think I deserve a proper answer 9 days later. However, without giving me an answer, he decided to get another technician to call me back to tell me.
15 minutes later, I thought maybe I can just buy the same model off the internet and swap the cover back to the original one. So I called back to your office again. And the technician said yes, they can just change the cover and will only charge me the labour cost $50.00. I was mildly put off by the $50.00 I have to pay for changing the cover after all the unnecessary waiting and work that I have done to come up with the solution. Feeling more at ease that I finally found a solution to fix the camera, I put down the phone and told my friends the good news.
After a while, a few realizations starts to set in to my horror:
What did I pay $10.70 for? Technician did not give any options/solutions other than keep pushing me to buy a new one. I wasn’t given any useful advice and I was the one who came up with a repair solution. Plus, I still have not been given a quotation.
Technician clearly knew that this model is not sold in Singapore yet he still insist that I should just buy a new one. Like from where? This is a FUJI product, am I at a wrong place?
I resort to hunting down this particular FUJI camera model off the internet so that I can retain the original cover to ‘repair’ it, which is absolutely absurd. According to the economically wise speech, it is cheaper to buy FUJI Instax Mini 25 off eBay than for FUJI SINGAPORE to ship the same camera model from other global FUJI office to repair my camera.
This is not the type of after-sale service that we have expected especially from a Japanese company.
Pei Pei
Marketing Executive
Friday, February 12, 2010
My first post~!
1. Overeasy event where ladies get free drinks according to the size of their breasts
2. Pastor Rony Tan poking fun of Taoism and Buddhism
3. Romanian Ambassdor hit-and-run and then stir up a controversy
the longer i take to think (or procrastinate), the more issues arose to talk about.. *don't give up*
Anyway~! to set a better flow of blog production, this blog shall be set to writing controversial issues like the above and also issues in my surrounding. always alot of things to think, reflect and kaobey about. oooh, and i should probably set a point to journal my lifelong arguements with the few different but important people in my life. that'll be fun cause over here, i get to say all i want and therefore i win!
i guess this is a somewhat an OK starting post, setting some directions and expectations. Hopefully the next post i can title "CNY Winnings"..